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Guidelines for Actions: Regarding Novel Coronavirus Infectious Disease

Feb.14, 2020

To all faculty and staff members,

UEDA Takanori
University of Fukui

Guidelines for Actions
Regarding Novel Coronavirus Infectious Disease (As of Feb.14)

As for the captioned issue, guidelines by UF for the time being have been presented since Feb. 6. And now, here are some amendment, reflecting notification by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).
From now on, please take proper actions based on these guidelines.
In addition, since the situations keep changing every day, please also confirm the latest information to be reported by the government or concerned ministries, etc.

Guidelines for Actions by UF faculty and staff members

<Abbreviated names of UF Department/Division in text below>
– GAD: General Affairs Division (総務課)
– AAD: Academic Affairs Department (学務部)
– IAD: International Affairs Division (国際課)
– SAD: Student Affairs Division (学生サービス課)
– AAD-M: Academic Affairs Division for Matsuoka Campus(松岡C学務課)
– AD-T: Administration Division for Tsuruga Campus(敦賀C管理運営課)

1. Students entering Japan from China

Before entering Japan, students have to inform AAD of what date to enter, where to stay after entering, and emergency contact numbers/address” via the following applicable offices. (For international students; IAD office. And, for other students; SAD, AAD-M, AD-T offices. – Hereinafter, likewise.). Then, AAD should share the information with GAD office, and confirm whether the student has high fever or not, and whether the student suffers respiratory symptoms, and make actions along with (1) and (2) below.

(1) As for the students with high fever (37.5 degrees Celsius or over) or with respiratory symptoms, before passing 14 days after entering Japan, make them report to the applicable offices in AAD. Then, AAD should advise the student to avoid face-to-face contact with other persons, to put on a mask, and to consult with local healthcare center immediately. (And to report travel history in China. – Hereinafter, likewise.) And then, AAD should share the information with GAD office. The president should make judgments on taking measures of the student’s attendance suspension until complete recovery*, considering instructions by healthcare center, and advices from primary care physician and the Health Administration Center in UF.
*Complete recovery based on “School Health and Safety Act (学校保健安全法)”

(2) As for students without any symptoms, the applicable offices in AAD should keep close contact with the students and observe their health status closely, especially for 14 days after the entering Japan, and should request them to avoid going outside and stay at home. In case the symptoms would appear, make them report to the applicable offices in AAD. Then, AAD should advise the student to avoid face-to-face contact with other persons, to put on a mask, and to consult with local healthcare center immediately. And then, AAD should share the information with GAD office. The president should make judgments on taking measures of the student’s attendance suspension until complete recovery*, considering instructions by healthcare center, and advices from primary care physician and the Health Administration Center in UF.
“Guidelines for Handling Students Returned from China (中国から帰国した児童生徒等への対応について)”, issued by MEXT on Feb 10, 2020
“Guidelines for Handling Students Returned from China – Additional 1 (Zhejiang Province added)”, issued by MEXT on Feb 13, 2020

2. Faculty, staff, and researchers, entering Japan from China

Before entering Japan, make them report to the Head of belonging faculty/office on when to enter Japan, where in Japan to stay, emergency contact numbers/address. Then, the Head should share the information with GAD office.
In case a person would have high fever (37.5 degrees Celsius or over)?and with respiratory symptoms, before passing 14 days after entering Japan, make the person report to the Head. Then, the Head should advise the person to avoid face-to-face contact with other persons, to put on a mask, and to consult with local healthcare center immediately. (And to report travel history in China.) And then, the Head should share the information with GAD office. The president should make judgments on taking measures of the person’s attendance suspension until their complete recovery, considering instructions by healthcare center, and advices from occupational physician or other medical specialists.

3. New student, faculty, staff, and researchers, entering Japan from China

Same way of handling as 1. and 2. above.

4. Travelling to China

As for persons planning to travel to China, cancel the travel or change the plan, while confirming the latest information of “MOFA’s Travel Advice & Warning on Infectious Disease”. (*MOFA = Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)

“Novel Coronavirus Outbreak (Raised risk level for some region)”

5. Request of visiting UF from China

If you receive such request of visiting UF any time soon, please recommend the other party to reconsider the timing to visit UF, taking the current situation into account.

6. In case of finding infected student/ faculty/staff, without travel history to China

As for students, report it to AAD immediately. Then, AAD should share the information with GAD office. As for faculty and staff, report it to the Head of belonging faculty/office. Then, the Head should share the information with GAD office.
In addition, for suspected students, take the same way as 1.(1) above. And for suspected faculty and staff, take the same way as 2. above, when they have high fever (37.5 degrees Celsius or over) or with respiratory symptoms.

7. Special consideration of entrance-examinees

In case there would be some entrance-examinees with infection, or with possible infection, Entrance Examination Committee would make judgment on how to deal with it.
(Reference) “Guidelines on Handling Entrance-Examinees, infected with Novel Coronavirus”, issued by MEXT on Jan 30, 2020

8. Gathering and sharing information

As for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), there are many unclear points and the situation keeps changing every day. Therefore, GAD office will collect the latest and countable information, working closely with concerned institutions like the Health Administration Center or healthcare centers, and provide such information to student, faculty and staff.


│ February 14th, 2020 │